Colloidal Silver 250 ppm - 1 oz dropper / 2 oz dropper / 2 oz spray
Colloidal Silver 250 ppm - 1 oz dropper / 2 oz dropper / 2 oz spray
Colloidal silver has a mild taste and can be taken diluted with water or juice. As long as one consumes all of the liquid that the colloidal silver is mixed with, then it will not change the parts per million of the silver. Most adults will take one teaspoon of 250 PPM for immune support for a duration of 10 to 14 days. Begin with the recommended amount of one teaspoon per day. Use half the recommended amount for children (6-12) and one-fourth for ages (0-5). This Product is not intended for continuous use.
Keep Colloidal Silver in a cool, dark place, never on a sunny window ledge, in the refrigerator or freezer. For long-term storage, colloidal silver should be contained in a dark, amber colored glass. There is an inherent electric charge in all plastic that causes the silver to collect on the inside of the plastic container. It should not be stored for prolonged periods of time in plastic.
Colloidal silver has a mild taste and can be taken diluted with water or juice. As long as one consumes all of the liquid that the colloidal silver is mixed with, then it will not change the parts per million of the silver. Most adults will take one teaspoon of 250 PPM for immune support for a duration of 10 to 14 days. Begin with the recommended amount of one teaspoon per day. Use half the recommended amount for children (6-12) and one-fourth for ages (0-5). This Product is not intended for continuous use. The following information is for individuals who prefer to break down our colloidal silver to a lower ppm. This is a breakdown for daily use:
Colloidal silver breakdown by ratio of 1 part silver
250 ppm
1:25 ratio = 10 ppm
1:5 ratio = 50 ppm
1:2 ratio = 125 ppm